In Memory

Karen McCormack (Wiater)

Karen died July 24, 2015

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07/25/15 03:52 PM #1    

Jim McGuire

Karen was a great girl and I'm sure a wonderful wife and mother.  We dated during our freshman and sophomore years and I truly never met a nicer girl.  I don't remember why we stopped dating, but I will always have fond memories of Karen and her family.

---Jim McGuire

07/26/15 02:19 PM #2    

Ted Sodergren

When I think of Karen, two words come to mind:  "Sweet" and "Gentle" . 

To me, that is her memorial.

Ted Sodergren

04/01/16 01:26 PM #3    

(60) George Davis

07/26/15 07:30 AM #1     EDIT     DELETE

Dennie Josten

I'm so sad to hear about Karen McCormack's death.  She was one of my favorite people in high school.

07/26/15 01:49 PM #2     EDIT     DELETE

Lee Oler

I am so sorry to hear about Karen's passing.  I makes me realize that we have to make the best use of the time we have left.  I counted Karen among my CMHS friends.    My condolences go all who knew her.

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